Torna al Sommario Annunci

Bollettino Ufficiale n. 31 del 5 / 08 / 2004


Regione Piemonte - Direzione ai Beni Culturali

Call for expressions of interest in devising a feasibility study aimed at building the first Museum of world heritage in the Reggia di Venaria Reale - Absctract (City of Venaria - Piedmont - Italy)

Regione Piemonte Direzione ai Beni Culturali - Via Antonio Meucci, 1 - 10121 Torino - Tel. +39-011 432 4454/1560 - Fax +39-011 432 2763/5604 - -

The Region of Piedmont in collaboration with the UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture, the Italian State Property Agency and the City of Venaria intend to promote the submission of Expressions of Interest for the devising of a feasibility study for building the first Museum of world heritage in the Reggia of La Venaria Reale.

The guidelines for preparing the feasibility study are contained in the documents attached to this notice, entitled as follows:

1. The Museum of World Heritage at the Reggia di Venaria Reale, Turin.

A Concept paper

2. La Venaria Reale - Turin. World heritage of humanity museum.

Notes for the feasibility study

according to the following guidelines:

a) Proposal identification

b) Analysis of the buildings and areas

c) Determining future destinations and interventions

d) Territorial Master Plan

e) Procedures and times for implementation and operation

f) Economic and financial plan

g) Communication plan

h) Marketing the initiative

The selected entities will be invited at a later date to take part in a tender with informal private negotiations to enable the awarding of the contract to draw up the aforementioned feasibility study.

The funds allocated for devising the feasibility study amount to euro 200,000.00 plus charges contemplated by the law.

The Expression of Interest can be submitted by:

- Natural persons, firms, state or state-controlled companies or agencies

- Cooperatives or other juridical persons

- Joint ventures or groups of companies

- Groups of natural persons and juridical persons (consortiums)

The deadline for submission of the documentation is 6 September 2004 at 12:00 p.m.

The Expression of Interest must be prepared according to the instructions given in the complete version of the call for bids that will be published on the B.U.R.P. issue of 5.8.2004 , n. 31; which will be consultable at and

The information in the Expression of Interest will be treated in compliance with Decreto Legislativo 196/2003 regarding Privacy.

Turin, 31.07.2004

Il Direttore    Il Direttore
Patrimonio e Tecnico    ai Beni Culturali
della Regione Piemonte    della Regione Piemonte
Maria Grazia Ferreri    Alberto Vanelli

La determinazione dirigenziale codice 31 del 29 luglio 2004, n. 323 , è pubblicata sul Bollettino Ufficiale n. 31 - parte I - del 5 agosto 2004 (Ndr).